From George Washington to David Humphreys, 25 November 1784
To David Humphreys
Mount Vernon 25th Novr 84.
My dear Humphreys
I have had the pleasure to receive two letters from you since your arrival in France,1 and cannot let the Marquis de la Fayette depart without an acknowledgement of them, altho’ his doing it is Sudden, & I at the same time am surrounded with Company.2
When I have a little more leizure (if that ever should be) I will give you all the occurrences of this quarter that have come under my view & recollection—at present I shall content myself with informing you, that we are all very well, & join very sincerely in every wish for your health, welfare & happiness; and that I am with the most affectionate esteem & regard Dr Sir Yr sincere friend & Obedt Servt
Go: Washington
1. GW is referring to Humphreys’ letters of 12 and 18 August. By this time Humphreys had written two more letters, dated 30 Sept. and 11 Nov., which GW had not yet received.
2. With Lafayette soon to depart from Mount Vernon for his return to France, GW on 25 Nov. took the opportunity to acknowledge a number of letters written to him from France. In addition to the letters printed here, he wrote on this day letters to Fock, Kersaint, La Touche, Maithe, Mandrillon, Rochambeau, Vienne, and perhaps others. See table of contents, 25 November.