From George Washington to Henry Lee, Jr., 24 November 1784
To Henry Lee, Jr.
Mount Vernon Wednesday Afternoon.
24th Novr [1784]
Dr Sir,
Accompanied by the Marquis de la Fayette, Captn Grancheau & the Chevr Caraman, I am just arrived at this place.1 The Marquis joins me in wishes to see you—come then to Dinner tomorrow, or as soon as you can make it convenient.
I have heard since I came home, indeed at Dumfries, of some dispatches which went down for me from the Commee; but none have yet got to hand.2 I should be glad to receive duplicates. it may be necessary. I am, Yrs affectionately
G. Washington
P.S. Come prepared to stay a few days.
If Mr Fendal is disengaged I should be glad if he would accompany you.3 G.W.
1. GW and Lafayette remained in Richmond until as late as 20 November. See GW to the Officials of the City of Richmond, 15 Nov., n.1. GW’s cash accounts for 22 Nov. indicate that he paid the expenses of his guests on their journey from Richmond to Mount Vernon: “By Exp[ense]s at Hanno[ver] Ct House £1.13.1, at Bowl[in]g Green £3.15. . . . By D[itt]o at Fredericksburgh £3.76, at Staff[or]d Ct H[ou]s[e] £3.5.6. ... By D[itt]o at Dumfries 1.10.1, Servts on the journey 13/10. . . .”
3. Philip Richard Fendall (1734-1805) moved from Stratford Hall in 1782 with his wife, Elizabeth Steptoe Lee, the widow of Philip Ludwell Lee. The Fendalls lived in Alexandria at this time.