To George Washington from Arthur Lee, 19 November 1784
From Arthur Lee
Carlisle [Pa.] Novr 19th 1784
Dear Sir
I have the pleasure of enclosing you a Copy of the treaty lately concluded with the Six Nations, in which the carrying place & the fort of Niagara, together with a competent district round Oswego are securd to the U.S. By attempting a speedier rout down the Susquehannah, we have been thrown greatly back as to the time appointed for the 2d treaty. But I hope we shall have compleated that by the middle of next month; so that the laying off of that Country may commence in the Spring.1
I beg to have my very best respects presented to Mrs Washington—& have the honor to be, with the most entire esteem, Dear Sir Yr most Obedt Servt
Arthur Lee
1. For the negotiation of the treaty of Fort Stanwix, 22 Oct. 1784, see Jacob Read to GW, 13 Aug., n.2. The text of this treaty of peace with the Iroquois is in 2:5–6. A later treaty with “The Wiondot, Delaware, Chippewa, and Ottowa Nations” was concluded at Fort McIntosh on 21 Jan. 1785 (ibid., 6–8). Arthur Lee was one of the commissioners appointed by Congress to treat with the Indians. The copy of the treaty of Fort Stanwix that Lee enclosed is in Arthur Lee’s hand. The second copy of the treaty in DLC:GW is probably the one sent to GW on 20 Nov. by Richard Henry Lee.