George Washington Papers

From George Washington to George Rindfleisch, 25 October 1784

To George Rindfleisch

Mount Vernon 25th Octor 1784


Herewith is a copy of the Plat you desired. Permit me to remind you that this tract, & my other Lands in the neighbourhood of it, have been offered to be leased, and may soon, in part, be engaged.

The sooner therefore you determine whether to take it or not, the better chance there will be of having it wholly for your own use, or the benefit of your friends, which, no doubt would be more agreeable to you, or them, than to be mixed with strangers. I am Sir Yr most Obt Servt

G: Washington


GW probably talked to George Rindfleisch at some time during his trip in September to Frederick and Berkeley counties and into western Pennsylvania. No other mention of Rindfleisch has been found in GW’s papers and accounts, and no one of his surname appears in the 1790 census in either Virginia or Pennsylvania. The Library of Congress’s catalog of GW’s papers supplies Rindfleisch’s first name.

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