George Washington Papers

To George Washington from James Rumsey, 19 October 1784

From James Rumsey

Alexandria [Va.] octr 19th 1784

Dear General

I have been geting of Mr Herbert a few Coarse Clothes for my workman, and A Few materials towards Building, and has Taken the Liberty to Draw on you in his favour, for forty pounds Curencey payable at twenty Days Sight.1 I thought It my Duty to give you notice of it—The honor you Did me at Bath by giveing me So ample a Certificate I Shall Eve[r] most greatfully acknowledge 2 It Convicts almost Every person that Sees it and puts Quite a new face on my Scheme I Long to have the Opertunity of Convinceing those that Remain Unbeleivers that you are not mistaken in your opinion I am with perfect Esteem your Obt hbe Servt

James Rumsey


1At Alexandria on 18 Oct. 1784 James Rumsey wrote: “Sir[,] At twenty days Sight, please to pay Herbert & Potts forty pounds Curr[enc]y Value in Acct with them & place the same to Acct with Sir, your Most Hble Servt James Rumsey” (DLC:GW). William Herbert and John Potts, Jr. (1760–1809), were business partners who had a store in Alexandria.

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