George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Daniel Morgan, 4 September 1784

To Daniel Morgan

[Berkeley County, Va.] 4th Septembr 1784.

Dr Sir,

Colo. Kennedy has owed me £28 these many years. Enquiring yesterday where he lived—& into his circumstances—I was told that he had lately sold land or houses in Winchester, to you; & that it might be in your power to obtain the balance which appears upon the enclosed accot due to me.1 If this should be the case, you would very much oblige me, as the money has been long due & I have always found it very difficult to get any from him. I am Dr Sir &c.

G: Washington


1GW arrived at Happy Retreat, the house of his brother Charles in Berkeley County, during the late morning on 3 September. The main purpose of his visit was to deal with his tenants in the county, with whom he had had no direct dealings since before the war. He also seized the opportunity to visit with the gentlemen in the neighborhood, including General Morgan, to discuss what should be done about improving navigation on the Potomac River. GW’s tenant David Kennedy, who began renting a farm on GW’s Bullskin land in 1766, had owed GW £28, one year’s rent, since 1774 (see Cash Accounts, March 1767, n.4, and Ledger B description begins General Ledger B, 1772–1793. Library of Congress, George Washington Papers, Series 5, Financial Papers. description ends , 22). The text of the note to Kennedy that GW enclosed is: “You would oblige me by paying the Balle of the enclosed Acct to General Morgan.” Dated 4 Sept., it is in GW’s hand and signed by him. It is privately owned. Morgan replied on 30 Sept. that he had paid Kennedy “long since” but would try to collect from him for GW. Kennedy did pay the £28 in October.

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