From George Washington to Thomas Walker, 25 August 1784
To Thomas Walker
Mount Vernon 25th Augt 1784
Dr Sir,
In April last I wrote you a letter, of which the enclosed is a copy—having received no reply to it, nor seen any meeting of the company summoned in the papers, I am lead to suspect it never got to hand—for this reason, and because I think a meeting of the company indispensably necessary, I have transmitted a copy.1 I am upon the eve of a journey as far as the Kanhawa, from whence I may not be returned ’till sometime in Novr—but I would not wish to have the meeting delayed on that account. I am &c. &c.
G: Washington
1. See GW to Walker, 10 April, and Walker’s reply to that letter, which Walker did not write until 29 August.