From George Washington to Reuben Harvey, 25 August 1784
To Reuben Harvey
Mount Vernon 25th Augt 1784
Captain Stickney has presented me with your favor of the 25th of May—together with the mess-beef & ox tongues, for which you will please to accept my best thanks.
I do not raise Tobacco on my Estate nor am I possessed of a pound at this time; otherwise I would with pleasure consign a few Hogsheads to your address, under full persuasion, that no person would do me more justice in the sale of them. Wheat or flour of the last year’s produce, is either exported or consumed; that of the present year, is not yet got to market—what prices they will bear in this Country is not for me to say: but tho’ I do not walk in the Mercantile line, except in wheat (which I manufacture into flour)—I should nevertheless, thank you for any information respecting the prices of these articles.1 With very great esteem & regard I am Sir &c.
G: Washington
LB, DLC:GW. The same letter under the date of 30 Aug. is printed in the Journal of the Cork Historical Archaelogical Society, 2d ser., 2 (1896), 90. The only differences between the two copies are in the punctuation and in the wording of the closing. The printed version may have been taken from the receiver’s copy.