George Washington Papers

From George Washington to James Crane, 20 August 1784

To James Crane

Mount Vernon 20th Augt 1784


The enclosed letter which is left open for your perusal, will give you my sentiments respecting the sale of the Widow Bartletts Lease. Please to seal, before you send or deliver it. I shall have no objection to a transfer of the purchaser, if likely to fulfill the objects I had in view—& the conditions of the Lease are complied with.1 I am Sir &c.

G: Washington


James Crane of Berkeley County, Va. (now W.Va.), was deputy sheriff of the county during the Revolution and handled some affairs in the area for both George William Fairfax and GW. He by this time was sheriff of the county, and in 1786 he became one of the trustees named to establish Charles Town on Charles Washington’s property in Berkeley County.

1Mary Bartlett was Crane’s sister. The enclosed letter was to William Drew, this date. See that letter, particularly note 1.

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