George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Armand, 25 April 1784

From Armand

[25 April 1784]

Armand request his Excellency to Compare the two inclosed papers then to send him the original in Philadelphia at the french ministre & to keap the Copy by him—if his Excellency thought more proper to keap the original, armand request him to send him the Copy attested by his Excellency 1—the purpose of armand in communicating thoses papers to his Excellency is to preserve his Esteem when he is gone from the Country if then attempts were made to diminish it.


1A notation on the cover, perhaps contemporary, indicates that the two enclosures were Armand’s challenge of 19 Dec. 1782 to William Snickers and the account of the ensuing duel, which are enclosures I and II. On the cover GW wrote: “Note, the Original papers, of which the enclosed are copies, were returned to General Armand after comparing them. Go. Washington April 25th 1784.” GW entered corrections, from the originals, in the copies that he retained. His corrections have been noted. See enclosures I and II.

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