George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Robert R. Livingston, 11 April 1784

To Robert R. Livingston

Mount Vernon 11th Apl 1784.

Dear Sir,

Give me leave to introduce to your Civilities the Marquis de Fontinelle, Colonel of Infantry in the Service of France and a Gentleman of Merit & Fortune.1 The Marquis Was Aid to Count de Estaing at the Siege of Savanna and is now on a tour from Charleston to Boston—he is accompanied by Colo. Senf.2 I am Dr Sir Yr most Obedt Hble Servt

Go: Washington

ALS, NHi: Robert R. Livingston Papers.

Robert R. Livingston (1746–1813) was at this time a chancellor of the state of New York. He became Congress’s first secretary of foreign affairs in 1781. He later supported ratification of the United States Constitution but broke with Alexander Hamilton after the new government was formed and became an early supporter of Jefferson and Madison.

2Christian Senf (c.1754–1806), a Swede, was a captain-engineer in the Continental forces in South Carolina in 1778 and later reached the rank of lieutenant colonel. He was one of the officers attending the second meeting of the South Carolina Society of the Cincinnati in September 1783. After the war he became the chief engineer for South Carolina when the state became engaged in extensive canal building.

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