George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Edmund Pendleton, 9 April 1784

From Edmund Pendleton

Edmundsbury [Va.] Apl 9. 1784.

Dear Sir

Colo. Muse shewed me yr letter to his son requesting I would take charge of his Deeds to you, and procure them to be proved and recorded in the General Court, which I would most cheerfully have done, but do not go to Richmond ’til after that Court rises.1 I have seen the Deeds Executed before 5 Witnesses, and they are to be carried by one of them who is our Sherif & a careful man, to be lodged with the Clerk and proved as they come in—so that I think you will run no risque in paying Colo. Muse the money you mention, especially as there will be time enough to compleat the proof in October, should any accident prevent its being made by three now.2 I have the honr to be with great regard Yr Excellys mo. Obt Servt

Edmd Pendleton


Edmund Pendleton (1721–1803) of Caroline County, Va., was president of the Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals. Pendleton handled much of GW’s legal work in the years immediately preceding the Revolution.

2The deeds have not been found. The Caroline County sheriff was William Buckner. By “three,” he means three witnesses.

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