From George Washington to Simeon DeWitt, 3 March 1784
To Simeon DeWitt
Mount Vernon 3d March 1784
Dr Sir,
By the interruptions of the post, your letter dated the 12th of Jany never got to my hands until Sunday last.
I have urged, not only in public, but private conversations with individual members of Congress, the policy, indeed necessity of having accurate Maps of the United States—& they know full well my opinion of your worth, and ability to execute them. All seem sensible of these, but the want of funds I suppose, stops this, as it does many other wheels which ought to move.
The propositions contained in your Mem[oi]r of the 12th to Congress, appear to me exceedingly reasonable & just: these sentiments I will express to a very valuable & much respected member of that Body to whom I am now writing.1 I am, with great esteem Dr Sir Your Most obt Servt
G: Washington