To George Washington from Daniel McCarty, 22 February 1784
From Daniel McCarty
Feby 22d 1784
Dr Sir
Tomorrow is appointed for us to have a Vestry the Place of meeting is to be at Wm Lindsay’s in Colchester by 11 Oclock,1 it was attempted five or six times last fall, but you and Mr Hendersons, both being out of the County we never could get a Sufficient Number of the Gentlemen to meet to make a Vestry,2 by Which means the Poor Suffers Very much, and Some of them must Inevitabley Perish without they Can have some assistance, I must therefore beg your attendance if you can Possibly make it Convenient, Mrs McCarty and family Joyn me in our best Respts to you, and your worthy Lady &c.3 and I am with the greatest Esteem Dr Sir Yr most obet and Very Hble Servt
Daniel McCarty
ALS, NjMoHP; Sprague transcript, DLC:GW.
Daniel McCarty (d. 1792) lived near Mount Vernon at Mount Air, about three miles up Accotink Creek from the Potomac. See 1:247–48. McCarty had been a member of the Truro Parish vestry since 1748 and GW since 1762.
,1. Colchester, Va., was a settlement on Occoquan Creek about eight miles from Mount Vernon. William Lindsay operated a tavern.
2. Alexander Henderson (c.1738–1815), one of the leading Scottish merchants in Colchester, was first elected to the Truro Parish vestry in 1765. The vestry had last met on 22 Nov. 1782.
3. McCarty and his wife Sinah Ball McCarty had six children, all grown but living nearby. See GW’s biting response to this letter on this day.