From George Washington to Edmund Randolph, 10 February 1784
To Edmund Randolph
Mount Vernon 10th Feby 1784
Dear sir,
A short time before I came home I received a power of Attorney from the Earl of Tankerville, & his Brother, the Honorable Mr Bennett; authorising Colo. Hooe, (miscalled Howe,)yourself & me, to dispose of property belonging to the latter in this State. Letters, from Lord Tankerville & the Countess his Mother, to me, accompanied the Power, expressive of their wishes that I would accept the trust; but the deranged situation of my own private concerns, which have in a manner undergone a complete suspension of almost nine years, and the intricately involved Affairs of some others, which, unfortunately for them, & painful in the reflection to me, were committed to my care; puts it absolutely out of my power to engage in any new matters, without violence to my own convenience, & injury to those I have in hand. Of this I have informed her Ladyship & my Lord; at the same time I assured them that the trust could not be reposed in better hands than Colo. Hooe’s (who consents to act & has the Power) & yours, who I took the liberty to say, would either accept the appointment or inform them of the contrary.1 Mrs Washington joins me in best respects to Mrs Randolph, & with great truth & sincere friendship, I am, Dear sir, Your most Obedt & affecte Servant
G: Washington
Edmund Randolph (1753–1813) in 1784 was attorney general of Virginia. Until he became governor of Virginia in November 1786, he often handled legal matters in Richmond for GW. He was married to Elizabeth Nicholas, who died in 1810.