To George Washington from Benjamin Harrison, 28 February 1781
From Benjamin Harrison
Philada Feby 28th 1781
Dear Sir
The Inclosed letters for Mr Carter the unworthy Son of a very worthy Father I must beg in his name and my own may be sent with a flagg to New-York as soon as possible, as he must stand in the greatest need of assistance, he fell into the hands of the Enemy in a stupid drunken ⟨fro⟩lick, I hope the accident may bring him to his senses, if it do[e]s not nothing will,1 I am extremely glad to hear you are sending us assistance and hope you can with convenience spare it;2 If the french fleet had come on with about 2500 Men, a very few days would have put the Traytor, his Army and fleet into our hands, as Baron Stuben is on one side of him with at least 3000 Men and those being on the other he could not have escaped I am Your most affect. & most Obedt Servt
Benj. Harrison
ALS, NNC-RB: Alfred C. Berol Collection. GW’s aide-de-camp Tench Tilghman wrote “acknowledged by the General” in the docket. No letter from GW to Harrison acknowledging this letter has been found.
1. The enclosed letters have not been identified.
Edward Carter (c.1739–1792), of Albemarle County, Va., and the father of Capt. John Champe Carter, was a member of the Virginia House of Delegates.