To George Washington from Jonathan Trumbull, Sr., 26 February 1781
From Jonathan Trumbull, Sr.
Hartford 26th Febry 1781
My Dear Sir
I am hon’d with your Excellencys Favr of 21st instant1—The Recruits from this State will be forwarded as fast as Circumstances will permitt—Cloathing is difficult to obtain—I hope however—they will come on in such Manner as to be able to perform their Duty—The Imposition you mention in sendg on Recruits, who are insufficient for the Duties of a Soldier, is too shamefull not to be attended to—I shall lay your Letter before the Legislature, who will, I hope, take Measures to prevent the like in future.
The inclosed to Congress is on the Subject of Invalids—will be much obliged to your Excellency for its Conveyance.2 With great Sincerity of Respect & Regard I am Dear Sir—Your most Obedient humle Servt
Jonth; Trumbull
1. See GW to Trumbull, 21 February.
2. Trumbull’s letter to Samuel Huntington, president of Congress, on this date asked that invalid soldiers from the Connecticut regiments be sent to do garrison duty in the state (see DNA:PCC, item 66; see also GW’s second letter to Huntington of 1 March).