From George Washington to Brigadier General Lauzun, 26 February 1781
To Brigadier General Lauzun
Head Quarters New Windsor 26th Feby 1781.
I have received intelligence that, four or five days ago, three hundred of the Enemy mounted went Eastward upon Long Island and that Boats were sent up the Sound to receive them and pass them over to the Main.1 Should this be true, there is a remote probability that your Corps is their object, but it will be impossible for them to accomplish the enterprize,2 with the precautions you will naturally take to obtain notice of any debarkation.
I do not place much confidence in the Channel thro’ which this report comes; but as I make it a rule never to slight any intelligence of this nature, I think it my duty to communicate it to you. I have the honor to be with very great consideration3 and attachment Sir Your most obt and most humble Servant.
Df, in Tench Tilghman’s writing, DLC:GW; Varick transcript, DLC:GW.
1. For this report, see Lafayette to GW, 25 Feb., n.1.
2. A passage is marked out at this point on the draft: “if you post a few Videts at New London, and to the Eastward and Westward of that place, to give you.”
3. Tilghman struck out “Respect” and wrote this word above the line.