From George Washington to Captain Lieutenant Caleb Brewster, 23 February 1781
To Captain Lieutenant Caleb Brewster
Head Quarters New Windsor 23rd February 1781.
I have received yours of the 14th—Your return mentions the names of Eight prisoners sent to the provost Guard1—Genl Parsons says only six were committed2—You should enquire of the Corporal who had them in charge, how this happened.
It is not in my power, at present, to spare any further number of Men for your detachment, as I am obliged to call in many guards, and weaken other necessary ones to support the garrison of West point.3
You will dispose of the Boat, and what you took in her, for the benefit of the Captors. I am sir Your Obedt Hble servant
Go: Washington
LS, in William Colfax’s writing, in private hands; Df, DLC:GW; Varick transcript, DLC:GW. The draft, which GW’s aide-de-camp Tench Tilghman penned, is addressed to Brewster at Fairfield, Connecticut.
1. See Brewster to GW, 14 February.