From George Washington to Lieutenant Colonel Jeremiah Olney, 21 February 1781
To Lieutenant Colonel Jeremiah Olney
Head Quarters New Windsor 21st February 1781
You will, immediately upon the receipt of this, send forward to the Army the Recruits which have come to the places of rendezvous, and you will also collect and send on any others which may be scattered. You will, if possible, cloath them in the State, but if the Cloathing should not be all ready, you will procure what will make them comfortable and let the remainder follow—Circumstances require that there should be as little delay as possible in the punctual execution of this order. You will be pleased to let me hear from you with a return of the number of Men which may be shortly expected from your state.1 I am sir Your Most Obedt servant.
Go: Washington
LS, in William Colfax’s writing, in private hands; Df, DLC:GW; Varick transcript, DLC:GW. GW’s aide-de-camp Tench Tilghman wrote “to forward R.I. Recruits” on the docket of the draft.