To George Washington from Thomas Dewees, 20 February 1781
From Thomas Dewees
Philadelphia Feby 20th 1781
To His Excellency George Washington
Esquire Generall and Commander in Chief
of the Armies of the Thirteen
United States of America
The Memorial of Thomas DeWees late Barrack Master of Philadelphia, Humbly Sheweth,
That a few Weeks Ago he was tried by a General Court marshal, Sentenced to be Broke And to have the Sentence thereof Published in the English & German News Papers.1
Your memorialist in the Most Supplicant manner begs And Intreats Your Excellency from Your Honourable and Generous Sentiments, that You will please to Remitt the last part of the Sentence, I mean the publication, as it Will be the means of Ruining a disconsolate Wife And a Small but Growing Family, besides A large Family Connection, numbers of Whom has faithfully Served their Country, And has the Honnour of being Known by Your Excellency, I beg Sir, for the distresses of the Afflicted, that you in Your Goodness Will Grant my Request, And in real Gratitude Your Memorialist as in Duty bound, Will Ever Pray.2
D, enclosed in Richard Humpton to GW, 21 Feb., DLC:GW.
A statement signed by Lt. Col. Thomas Forrest and five other officers appears on the verso of the document: “We the Subscribers Members of the General Court Martial by Which Mr Thomas DeWees Was tried, Beg leave to recommend him to Your Excellency’s Clemency, in particular on Account of his Wife And Family.”
Another statement on the verso, signed by Col. Thomas Proctor and Capt. Allen McLane, reads: “We the following subscribers, beg leave, to intreat your Excellancy to revoke that part of the sentence prayed for in this Petition; which will alliviate the distresses of an Afflicted Family.”
2. No reply from GW to Dewees has been found, but see GW to Richard Humpton, 27 Feb. 1781, found at Humpton to GW, 21 Feb., source note.