George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Brigadier General James Clinton, 20 February 1781

To Brigadier General James Clinton

Head Quarters New Windsor 20th Feby 1781.

Dear Sir

In consequence of a letter from His Excellency the Governor representing the situation of the Garrison of Fort Schuyler and the Troops at Albany and Schenectady for want of Meat1—I have directed the Commissary Genl to give an order upon the Magazine at Richmond for two hundred Barrels of Salt provisions, which you have inclosed.2 Out of this, you will endeavour to throw a supply of three Months (including what may be already there) into Fort Schuyler, before the Roads are broken up. The remainder, with what the Agents can pick up, will, I hope, keep you going.

You will be pleased to order the Recruits to be sent to the Brigade as fast as they are raised. They will be as easily subsisted there as detached in small parties, and will acquire discipline during the stay in Quarters. I am Dear Sir Your most obt Servt

Go: Washington

LS, in Tench Tilghman’s writing, PPRF; Df, DLC:GW; Varick transcript, DLC:GW.

2See GW to Ephraim Blaine, this date. The enclosed order has not been identified.

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