George Washington Papers

General Orders, 20 February 1781

General Orders

[New Windsor] Tuesday February 20th 1781

Parole. Countersigns ——

The General with pleasure communicates to Major General Parsons and the officers and men under his command the following honorable testimony of the Approbation of Congress passed the 5th instant:1

Ordered That the Letter of Major General Parsons with the papers inclosed relative to his successful enterprise against the enemy’s post at Morrisania with so much of the General’s Letter as relates thereto be referred to the Committee of intelligence and that the Commander in Chief return the Thanks of Congress to Major General Parsons and the officers and men under his command and inform him that Congress have directed this publication to be made in testimony of their approbation of his judicious arrangements and of the spirit and military conduct displayed by the officers and men employed under him on the Occasion.2

Varick transcript, DLC:GW.

2For Maj. Gen. Samuel Holden Parsons’s report of this attack on a Loyalist outpost, see William Heath to GW, 28 Jan., n.1. Parsons’s report appeared in The Pennsylvania Packet or, The General Advertiser (Philadelphia) for 13 February.

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