From George Washington to Charles Pettit, 19 February 1781
To Charles Pettit
New Windsor Feb 19th 1781
Dr Sir,
Your letter of the 9th with the several Articles which accompanied it came safe, and in propr season—I thank you for the trouble you have had on this occasion.1
The inclosed (left open for your perusal) may be a mean[s] of putting money in your hands—The original Sum was £27. or £27.10. Specie—their may be a deduction, but I do not know to what amount.2 Out of this Money be so good as to pay the inclosed acct to Mr Star3—your own demands upon me for the Spurs &ca—& retain the Ball[anc]e till called for. Your choice of Spurs is very agreeable to my taste.
If Colo. Mitchell should have paid the Money agreeably to Mrs Washington’s order please to inform me of it that I may adopt some other mode of payment. I am Dr Sir Yr most Obt Sert
G: W——n
P.S. Will you be so obliging as to send for Mr Cottringer & know if I am to pay him the same Sum in spicie as he has charged in State Money? 15 half-Joes comes for the purpose if he says so but it will be the most costly coat I ever wore.4
ADfS, DLC:GW; Varick transcript, DLC:GW.
1. See Pettit to GW, 9 February.
2. On this date, GW wrote John Mitchell from New Windsor: “Mrs Washington directed Mr Lund Washington when She left Virginia, to draw upon you in favor of Colo. Harrison for the Ball[anc]e of My old Chariot left in yr hands by Mr Bringhurst. If the money—consequent of this order—is not already paid, be so good as to place it in the hands of Mr Pettit to whom I am indebted for Sundry articles lately Sent to me from Phila” (ADfS, DLC:GW; Varick transcript, DLC:GW). The coachmaker John Bringhurst had completed a new chariot for GW in early summer 1780 (see Mitchell to GW, 26 June 1780).
3. On 9 Feb., James Starr wrote a bill for services provided to GW: “To repair boots [£]3.10[;] To a pair moroco Slippers [£]1.5 [total:] £4.15[.] N.B. as the above Charge is the Lowest I make Such work for in Specie Expect to be paid in that only” (ADS, NjMoHP).
4. John Cottringer was a Philadelphia tailor.