George Washington Papers

From George Washington to John Moylan, 19 February 1781

To John Moylan

New Windsor Feby 19th 81


Lt Colo. Smith has orders to Inspect the clothing of a detachment now assembling at Peeks Kill and to make a return of its wants to you or your deputy on the other side—agreeable to which the Issues are to be made with out delay, and forwarded to the detachment at the above place or at Pompton; on this, or the other side of the river, as circumstances may point out.1

Independent of these, one thousand pair of good and strong shoes, and one hundred and fifty watch coats are to be packed up and sent to Pompton.

These things are to be issued to the order of the marqs de la Fayette only some person in your department is to attend for this purpose, and to note the Regiments, and men who receive Clothing, that proper accts may be kept of the Issues.

you will apply to the Qr Master General for the means, and manner of Transporting these things. I am sir your very Hble sert.

Copy, in Martha Washington’s writing, DLC:GW; Varick transcript, DLC:GW.

1For this detachment, see GW’s second letter to William Heath of 15 Feb., and Heath to GW, 16 Feb.; see also GW’s letters to Lafayette of 20 February [1 and 2].

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