From George Washington to the Board of War, 19 February 1781
To the Board of War
Head Quarters N. Windsor 19th Feby 1781
I was duely honored with your favor of the 23d of January1—The disturbances in some lines of the Army,2 and the remote situation of others, prevented the new arrangements from coming to hand so early and regularly, as they would otherwise have done—they are now chiefly got in, and you will find, under cover, those of the New Hampshire—Massachusetts—Rhode Island—Connecticut—New York—New Jersey and Pennsylvania Lines—and of the 2d and 3d Regt of Artillery3—the 4th (Colo. Proctors) has been probably delivered to you in Philada. If it has not, you will be pleased to call upon the Colonel for it.
You have also inclosed the lists of the Officers of Warners—Livingstons—Spencers and the German Battalions who retire upon half pay—the Corps being reformed—Those of Whitcombs—Schotts—Selins—and the independent Connecticut Companies which were at Wyoming have not yet come to hand—These, with what are now transmitted, will compleat all the lines and Corps serving under my immediate command—The Board will be pleased to compare Colo. Warners return with their Register of Commissions which have been issued, as the number of Officers in his list appears to me very great for the size of the Regt. If any have been appointed by him, without proper authority, they cannot be considered as intitled to the half pay establishment—The Board will also be pleased to pay attention to a Memorial of Lieut. Colo. Weltners of the German Battn.4 He is a very deserving Officer, and always conducted himself and the Affairs of the Regt, the charge of which was in fact always upon him, with singular propriety—His Health is much impaired by the service, and if the Baron D’Arent was considered as having quitted the command of the Regiment, when he returned to Europe, I think Colo. Weltner is justly intitled to the emoluments of a Lt Colo. Commandant from that time.
I take the liberty to inclose the Copy of a letter from Commy Cheever at Springfield—My reason for doing it, is, his representing—that the Workers in leather were at a stand for want of that Article, when it might be obtained by an order from the Board on Commy Land.5 I have the honor to be &.
P.S. I have recd your favr of the 13th on the subject of the situation of the British and Foreign Prisoners of War in Philad. which shall be duly attended to.6
Df, in Tench Tilghman’s writing, DLC:GW; Varick transcript, DLC:GW. The board replied to GW on 3 March.
1. On 23 Jan., Board of War secretary Benjamin Stoddert wrote GW: “The board have the honor to request that your Excellency will be pleased to cause returns to be made to them of the Officers who are continued in Service under the late arrangement—as well as of those who are super-numerary. They would wish for a distinct return for each State, specifying the rank, & dates of commissions” (ALS, DLC:GW). For the new establishment of the Continental army, see General Orders, 1 Nov. 1780.
2. GW refers primarily to the mutinies in the Pennsylvania and New Jersey lines (see Anthony Wayne to GW, 2 Jan. 1781, and Israel Shreve to GW, 20 Jan., and the source notes to those documents).
3. These arrangements have not been identified.
4. The memorial of Lt. Col. Ludwig Weltner has not been identified.
5. See Ezekiel Cheever to GW, 20 January. The enclosed copy has not been found.
6. See Board of War to GW, 13 Feb., and the source note to that document.