George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Major General Arthur St. Clair, 13 February 1781

To Major General Arthur St. Clair

Head Quarters New Windsor 13th Feby 1781

Dear Sir

I observe by the recruiting instructions annexed to the printed arrangement of the Pennsylvania line, that the Regimental places of rendezvous are fixed, but that the general Rendezvous is to be at such place as shall be judged proper by me, or the commanding Officer of the line.1 In my opinion, Bristol and that neighbourhood will be, upon many accounts, most suitable and convenient for this purpose. It is on the most direct communication to the Army; from whence, the troops assembled may be draw⟨n⟩ without loss of time, upon an emergency—I would wish them to be cantonned as compact as possible, for the better preservation of discipline, and on account of exercise and maneuvre, both of which should be constantly practiced.

I hope to hear that the Gout, of which you were apprehensive, has had its turn, and left you in good health.2 I shall set out on Thursday for Newport, and shall probably be absent between a Fortnight and three Weeks.3 I am with great Regard Dear Sir Your most obt Servt

Go: Washington

LS, in Tench Tilghman’s writing, O; Df, DLC:GW; Varick transcript, DLC:GW. The draft is addressed to St. Clair “care of Board of War.”

1GW refers to Arrangement of the Pennsylvania Line, January 17, 1781 (Philadelphia, [1781]). A copy is in DLC:GW; see also Evans, American Bibliography description begins Charles Evans et al. American Bibliography and Supplement. 16 vols. Chicago, Worcester, Mass., and Charlottesville, Va., 1903–71. description ends , no. 17282.

3GW postponed his departure (see GW to Rochambeau, 14 [first letter], 15, and 24 Feb.).

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