George Washington Papers

General Orders, 13 February 1781

General Orders

[New Windsor] Tuesday February 13th 1781

Parole Countersigns.——

Varick transcript, DLC:GW.

On this date, GW’s aide-de-camp Tench Tilghman wrote Maj. Gen. William Heath: “His Excellency is [of] opinion that Capt. [Lebbeus] Drew, under the above Resolve, may be brought into the Regt to which he belongs, in his proper Rank, and that one of the Captains may retire upon half pay to make a vacancy for him” (MHi: Heath Papers). Tilghman enclosed a congressional resolution adopted on 1 Jan. that arranged officers held as prisoners as if they never had been in captivity (see MHi: Heath Papers; see also Samuel Huntington to GW, 2 Jan., n.2).

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