From George Washington to Lieutenant General Rochambeau, 7 February 1781
To Lieutenant General Rochambeau
Head Quarters New Windsor Feby 7th 81
I am much obliged to you for the agreeable intelligence contained in your letter of the 29th of January. I hope the confirmation will have enabled Mr Des-touches to take advantage of the event, in a manner as advancive of his own glory, as of the good of the service. I impatiently wait further advices.1
By the last accounts from Virginia which come down to the 20th Arnold had reimbarked from West-Over the place mentioned in my former letter descended the River to Smithfield, relanded there and marched to Portsmouth. Here it was expected he would fortify. There have been some skirmishes but to little effect on either side. The enemy in their march showed their usual avidity for plunder.2 If Mr Destouches should have acquired a superiority, which would make it prudent to act, Your Excellency may think this detachment an object.
I am informed in a manner I credit, though not officially, that Maryland has acceded to the confederation and that Virginia has relinquished her claim to a large tract of territory, west of Ohio, in favour of The United States.3 Both these events will have an important influence in our affairs. With the truest respect and attachment—I am Sir Yr Most Obed. servt
Go: Washington
LS, in Alexander Hamilton’s writing, CtY-BR:R; Df, DLC:GW; Rochambeau’s French translation, CtY-BR:R; LB, in French, DLC: Rochambeau Papers, vol. 7; Varick transcript, DLC:GW. GW signed the cover of the LS.
1. See Rochambeau to GW, 3 and 8 February.
2. See Thomas Jefferson to GW, 10 Jan.; Steuben to GW, 11 Jan.; and James Duane to GW, 29 Jan., postscript. GW had not yet received Major General Steuben’s letter to him of 29 Jan. (see GW to Steuben, 6 Feb.; see also GW to Jefferson, same date).
3. Duane had included this information in his letter to GW of 29 January.
4. See Rochambeau to GW, 20 and 26 January.
5. GW postponed his departure (see GW to Rochambeau, 14 [first letter], 15, and 24 Feb.).