To George Washington from Nathaniel Shaw, 6 February 1781
From Nathaniel Shaw
New London [Conn.] Feby 6th 1781
I wrote you ⅌ post last Week Informing of the Disaster the Brittish Fleet mett with, by the Storm on the 22 Ulto.1 Since that I Observe they have Rigg’d the Dismasted Ship with Jury Masts, the Ship that drove on Shore is Intirely lost, and the Ship that is Missing has not Return’d Since—This day a Friggate Saild from the Brittish Fleet and their Remains now att Anchor Three Large Ships & the Bedford Dismasted, Two Ships of Sixty Four Guns & One of Fifty—The Culloden is the Ship that is on Shore the America is the Ship that is Missing. I am Sir Your very hume Servt
Nathl Shaw
1. See Shaw to GW, 31 January.