George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Colonel Nicholas Haussegger, 5 February 1781

From Colonel Nicholas Haussegger

New York, February 5th 1781.


The principles of the present Contest have been so totally changed, from what they were, when I first accepted a Commission under your command, and myself so much neglected and injuriously treated by those in whose service I was, that I cannot consistent with the honest Man, and in justice to myself hold it any longer.

I have therefore taken the Liberty to enclose my Colonels Commission (my Major’s Commission being long since lost[)], with this my final Resignation thereof, which your Excellency will make acceptable to Congress.1 And am with respect, Your Excellency’s, most obedt humble servt

Nicks Haussegger

LS, PHi: Gratz Collection; Sprague transcript, DLC:GW.

Haussegger had long been under suspicion of traitorous behavior (see Haussegger to GW, 16 Jan. 1777, n.3; GW to Horatio Gates, 12 Feb. 1777; and William Maxwell to GW, 2 Jan. 1779).

1Haussegger’s commission as “Colonel of the German Battalion,” dated 17 July 1776, is in DLC:GW.

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