George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Colonel John Greaton, 3 February 1781

To Colonel John Greaton

Head Quarters New Windsor Febry 3d 1781


I had nearly anticipated the subject of your Letter of the 2nd1 in mine of the 1st to Major Genl Heath, in which I informed him, I should have no objections to any reasonable indulgences, in extraordinary Cases.2 but could not undertake to act upon particular applications, as this might Counteract general Arrangements, and that the extension of furloughs beyond the 1st of April in any instance must depend upon the internal situation of the Regts & number of officers with them.

In addition to this, I have only to suggest, that where the circumstances of a Regt will permit an Officer to be absent beyond the first of April—his own feelings, the good of the service, & the necessity of training & forming the new levies for the feild, will certainly induce him to join the Army, at the earliest possible period. I am Sir.

Df, in David Humphreys’s writing, DLC:GW; Varick transcript, DLC:GW.

1Greaton’s letter to GW of 2 Feb. has not been found.

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