George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Brigadier General Anthony Wayne, 2 February 1781

To Brigadier General Anthony Wayne

Head Quarters New Windsor Febry 2nd 1781

Dear Sir

In mine of the 29th of January I partly answered yours of the 21st1—Yours of the 17th had been duly received, and I am since favored with that of the 28th.2

I am satisfied, that every thing was done on your part to produce the least possible evil from the unfortunate disturbance in your line, and that your influence has had a great share in preventing worse extremities—I felt for your situation. Your anxieties & fatigues of mind, amidst such a scene, I can easily conceive—I thank you sincerely for your exertions.

You request to be exempted from the recruiting service, and employed in the feild—at present the last is not possible—but ’till you hear further from me, you need not occupy yourself about the first—I write to General Irvine by this opportunity.3 With the greatest regard I am Dear Sir Your Most Obedt Servt

Go: Washington

LS, in David Humphreys’s writing, PHi: Wayne Papers; Df, DLC:GW; Varick transcript, DLC:GW. Wayne replied to GW on 27 February.

1See GW to Wayne, 27 January. GW addressed no letter to Wayne on 29 January.

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