To George Washington from Samuel Huntington, 2 February 1781
From Samuel Huntington
Philadelphia February 2. 1781
By the enclosed resolve of the 1st Instant your Excellency will be informed that the resolution of Congress of the 4th of September 1778 allowing Officers three Dollars a Day for Expences on Business not incidental to their Officce is repealed and to have no Effect from and after the first Day of March next.1
I am desired by Mr Secretary Thomson to request your Excellency would be so obliging as to forward by the first convenient Opportunity the enclosed Letter addressed to Mr Mathew Cowper2—With the highest respect I have the Honor to be your Excellency’s most obedient & most humble Servant
Sam. Huntington President
LS, MiU-C: Huntington Family Papers; LB, DNA:PCC, item 15.
1. For the resolution of 4 Sept. 1778, see , 12:878. The enclosed document with the resolution of Congress is in DLC:GW; see also , 19:104. For the resolution, see General Orders, 12 February.
2. Mathew Cowper was a merchant and ship captain in New York City.