George Washington Papers

General Orders, 2 February 1781

General Orders

Head Quarters New Windsor Friday February 2d 1781

Parole. Countersigns——

Varick transcript, DLC:GW.

On this date, GW’s aide-de-camp David Humphreys wrote Q.M. Gen. Timothy Pickering from New Windsor: “It having been found necessary to reestablish a Chain of Expresses from Head Quarters to Rhode Island—the communication will be kept up, by Dragoons, from the last mentioned place to Litchfield inclusive: from whence The General would have the Chain continued by Riders furnished from your Department: One Stage (exclusive of Fish-kill, where there are always Expresses) he supposes will be sufficient: the most convenient place for this will be at Col. [Andrew] Morehouse’s or between that, & Bulls Iron Works, where by having two Riders stationed, the line of conveyance will be compleat. … P.S. Col. Webb informs he passed a quantity of flour on the Road near Warwich, & that he was told there were 100 Barrels a little in the rear” (DNA: RG 93, manuscript file no. 26043). For GW’s decision to resume the expresses, see his letter to Elisha Sheldon, 30 January.

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