To George Washington from George Clinton, 31 January 1781
From George Clinton
Albany 31st January 1781
Dear Sir,
I arrived here the 21st Inst.—My Brother will deliver you this—it will be therefore unnecessary to particularize the Situation of the Military—The Spirit of Discontent, which had reached the Troops here and discovered itself by a Mutiny not of a very aggravated Nature, has subsided and I am in Hopes a Repetition is not to be apprehended.
There are in the Troops of this State a Number of Invalids incapable of performing Duty in marching Corps who as their Families and Connections are here would prefer a Discharge to being sent to join the Invalids at Philadelphia—These Men I conceive might be usefully employed if formed in a Company under supernumerary Officers and stationed at some of the Posts in this State—which would ⟨be⟩ agreable to them and they would thus supply the Place of an equal Number of other Troops fit for active Duty—If we discharge them as soon as they return Home and get in som⟨e⟩ Degree recovered, they are again introduced as Recruits and the Consequences must be the Loss of their Bounties and a second Dismission—which the forming them into a Company would prevent.1 I have the Honor to be with the highest Sentiments of Esteem & Respect your Excellency’s Most obedt sert
Geo. Clinton
LS, DLC:GW; Df (partially burned), N-Ar: Clinton Papers.