George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Major General William Heath, 30 January 1781

From Major General William Heath

West point, Jany 30. 1781.

Dear General,

I have this morning been honored with your several favors of yesterday, to which I shall duly attend.1 Am happy to hear that a supply of Provisions is coming on; some have already arrived. Colo. Vose informs me the new Road is now passable for Sleighs if there is a sufficiency of Snow.2

I have given an order for the serjeant of Captain Machin’s company to take four inlisted men to New Windsor: the bounty-money they have received is but a trifle, and might be refunded by the Officers of the regiments to which they did belong; but as they discover an inclination to serve in the Artillery, it may be best to indulge them: probably, your Excellency may think best to order them to Colo. Crane’s regiment, if there are any men lately inlisted in that regiment, belonging to the state of New York; but if the exchange is to be for men belonging to the state of New York, who have for some time been inlisted in Colo. Crane’s regiment, objections naturally arise against it; for there are many Massachusetts men in the New York line, and, perhaps in every line of the Army, there are men belonging to other States, and an exchange of the whole would in its operations be productive of many inconveniencies, and if allowed in one may be contended for in all.

Colonel Greene who has lately come on from the Eastward,3 has represented the necessity of some mode being adopted for supplying the Recruits coming on to the Army with Provisions; several of the former issuing Stores being discontinued: I beg leave to submit it to your Excellency’s consideration.

I request to be informed, whether Colo. Crane’s regiment is to be considered in the distribution of Clothing from the state Clothier of Massachusetts, or whether they will receive their Clothing from the Continental Store by orders from your Excellency?4 I have the honor to be With the greatest respect Your Excellency’s most obedient servant

W. Heath

A Soldier belonging to the Connecticut Line, who left New York the last week, Saies it was reported in New York, that There had been an action near Kingsbridg⟨e⟩ on monday, in which Colo. Delancy was badly wounded, Sixteen men killed on the Field, and Three waggon Loads of wounded, brought off, The Hutts, and Colo. Delancys House and mills burnt.5


LS, DLC:GW; ADfS, MHi: Heath Papers. Heath wrote the postscript, which appears only on the LS.

1See GW to Heath, 29 Jan. (first letter), found at Heath to GW, 28 Jan., source note, and GW to Heath, 29 Jan. (second letter).

2For the opening of this new road, see GW to Heath, 14 Jan., and n.9 to that document.

5For this combat action of 22 Jan., see Heath to GW, 28 January.

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