From George Washington to Major General Chastellux, 28 January 1781
To Major General Chastellux
New Windsor Jany 28th 1781
Dear Sir,
Accept my congratulation on yr safe arrival at New Port in good health, after traversing so much of the American theatre of War—and my thanks for your obliging favor of the 12th making mention thereof, and introductory of the Count de Charlus, whose agreeable countenance, alone, is a sufficient index to the amiable qualities of his Mind—& does not fail, at first view—to make favourable impressions on all who see him.1
He spent a few days with us at Head Qrs and is gone to Philadelphia; accompanied by Count de Dillon2—I parted with them yesterday at Ringwood—to which place I had repaired to be convenient to the suppression of a partial mutiny in the Jersey Troops at Pompton who (in imitation of those of Pensylvania3) had revolted, & were in a state of disobedience to their Officers. This business was happily effected without bloodshed—Two of the principal actors were immediately executed on the spot and due subordination restored before I returned.4
I wish I had expression equal to my feelings, that I might declare to you the high sense I have of, & the value I set upon, your approbation and friendship. it will be the wish & happiness of my life to merit a continuation of them, & to assure you upon all occasions of my admiration of your character & virtues, and of the sentmts of esteem & regard with wch I have the honor to be Dr Sir.
ADf, DLC:GW; copy, ScC; Varick transcript, DLC:GW.
2. For the visit of these French officers, see GW to Samuel Huntington, 24 Jan., and the notes to that document.
3. For the mutiny of the Pennsylvania line, see Anthony Wayne to GW, 2 Jan., and the source note to that document.
4. See Robert Howe to GW, 27 Jan.; see also Israel Shreve to GW, 20 Jan., and the source note to that document.