From George Washington to Colonel Timothy Pickering, 25 January 1781
To Colonel Timothy Pickering
New Windsor, January 25, 1781.
My horses, I am told, have not had a mouthful of long or short forage for three days. They have eaten up their mangers and are now (though wanted for immediate use) scarcely able to stand. I should be glad to know if there is any prospect of relief for them.1 I am etc.
, 21:141. A cover on which GW wrote “Colo. Pickering Qr Mastr Genl” is in DNA: RG 93, manuscript file no. 28379. Notations on the cover’s docket read: “His horses starving! Is there any prospect of relief? (Answd).” For Pickering’s reply, see
1. For a shortage of wood at GW’s headquarters, see General Orders, 24 Jan., source note.