From George Washington to Brigadier General Edward Hand, 23 January 1781
To Brigadier General Edward Hand
Head Quarters New Windsor Janry 23d 1781
Dear Sir
At the same time I acknowledge the receipt of your favor of the 4th of January,1 I have the pleasure to congratulate you, on your appointment as Adjutant General to the Army. This has been announced to me two days ago officially from Congress.2
As Colonel Scammel had made his arrangements to leave the Office on the first of January, he is impatient to be releived by his successor. And indeed his presence is extremely necessary with the New Hampshire Line, at the present period.3 I have to request therefore that you will be pleased to repair to the Army as soon as conveniently may be, and enter upon the execution of the Duties to which you are appointed.4 I am Dear Sir With Great regard & esteem Your Most Obedient Servant
Go: Washington
LS, in David Humphreys’s writing, NN: Emmet Collection; Df, DLC:GW; Varick transcript, DLC:GW.
1. On 4 Jan., Hand wrote GW from Lancaster, Pa.: “As I omited requesting your Exy to permit one of the Gentn of your family to inform me when my presence would be necessary at camp, and being uncertain as to the appointment you were pleased to propose to Congress I wrote to Col. Tilghman the 18th Ultimo, least my letter to him may have miscarried & to prevent any misapprehension, I take the Liberty of Addressing you Excy, entreating that I may have notice when I am wanted, & at the same time to Solicit that my leave of Absence may continue as long as will be consistent with the good of the Service” (ALS, DLC:GW). Hand’s letter to GW’s aide-de-camp Tench Tilghman dated 18 Dec. 1780 has not been identified.
3. Col. Alexander Scammell, the former adjutant general, had been named commander of the newly reorganized 1st New Hampshire Regiment (see also Scammell to GW, 16 Nov. 1780).