George Washington Papers

To George Washington from William Greene, 22 January 1781

From William Greene

Warwick State of Rhode Island &c. Janry 22nd 1781


Your favor respecting the depositing the Provisions in the Town of Providence has been duly attended to, and yours of the 5th instant by Genrl Knox was duly received the Purport of which is truly alarming,1 and in consequence thereof I convened the General Assembly the 17th instant who finish’d their Session Yesterday, during which they ordered a sufficiency of Cloathing to be immediately purchased for all the Troops in the line of this State, and supplyed the Agent Clothier with money for that purpose, the Assembly have also assessd Fifty thousand pounds weight of fresh Beef as part of this States Quota, to be immediately collected and sent forward for supply of the Army, they have also made up the depretiation on the wages of the Officers and Soldiers in the line of this State up to the first Day of August 1780. And have ordered one quarter part thereof to be immediately paid in Specie to those Officers and Soldiers of this States Battallion engaged to serve during the War, and for that remaining three quarters have ordered Houses and lands to be set off to them immediately by a Committee appointed for that purpose.2 The money for paying the one quarter part of the depresiation of the wages of the Officers and Soldiers is now collecting by a Tax a considerable part of which will be sent on to Camp by Col. Angel, who will set out in a few Days.3

About one third part of the new levies are already recruited and mustered, and I doubt not but that the whole number will be soon compleated, for further particulars refer you to Col. Greene the bearer of this. I am with great respect & Esteem Your Excellencys most Obedient and very Humble Servt

W. Greene

ALS, DLC:GW. GW acknowledged this letter when he wrote Greene on 29 Jan. (see Circular to the States, that date, source note).

2For this legislation, see Bartlett, R.I. Records description begins John Russell Bartlett, ed. Records of the Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, in New England. 10 vols. Providence, 1856–65. description ends , 9:319–21, 323–24, 329. A broadside of “An ACT proportioning to the several Towns in this State, and for collecting Fresh Beef for supplying the Army of the United States,” passed in the assembly’s January session, is in DLC.

3Col. Israel Angell left on 14 Feb. (see his letter to GW, 1 Jan., n.2).

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