From George Washington to Colonel Israel Shreve, 21 January 1781
To Colonel Israel Shreve
New Windsor Jany 21. 1781
Dr Sir
With not less pain than you communicate it, I receive the information contained in your letter of yesterday—This affair, if possible, must be brought to an issue favourable to subordination, or the army is ruined. I shall therefore immediately march a detachment from these posts to quell the mutineers. Col. Freelinghuyssen will impart to you what I have written to him.1 In addition to that, I am to desire you will endeavour to collect all those of your regiments who have had virtue enough to resist the pernicious example of their associates—If the revolt has not become general, and if you have force enough to do it, I wish you to compel the mutineers to un[con]ditional submission. The more decisively you are able to act the better. I am Sir Yr Most Obed. servant
Go: Washington
LS, in Alexander Hamilton’s writing, NN: Washington Collection; Df, DLC:GW; Varick transcript, DLC:GW.
1. For the formation of this detachment, see GW to Frederick Frelinghuysen, this date, n.2; see also GW to Robert Howe, 22 January. The detachment marched on 23 Jan. (see William Heath to GW, 24 Jan.).