George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Brigadier General James Clinton, 17 January 1781

From Brigadier General James Clinton

Albany Jany 17th 1781


Since my Letter of Yesterday,1 I have the Pleasure to inform your Excellency, that by an Express just received from Col. Hay, I understand, that he has directed one hundred Barrels of Flower to be sent up for the Use of Fort Schuyler which togather with ninety Barrels, collected with difficulty on the Mowhawk River, will supply the Garrison untill the first of May.

The Governor informs me that Major Logan has retired, which enables me to compleat the Arrangement of the first Regiment. But for want of a knowledge of the Intentions of Lieut. Col. Bruyan and a few others who are still in Captivity, that of the second Regt remains incompleat—If Bruyan continues Cochran must retire, tho’ he is now on Command at Fort Schuyler.

As soon as I can throw the intended ⟨s⟩upply into the Fort, and the Governor arrives; I intend to do myself the Honor of waiting on Your Excellency in person, and receiving your further Commands, at which Time I shall bring the Returns of the New York Line agreeable to the new Establishment.2 I have the Honor to be With the greatest respect Your Excellency’s most Obedent Humble Servt

James Clinton

ALS, DLC:GW. A notation on the cover reads: “Express.” GW’s aide-de-camp David Humphreys docketed the letter: “Not ansd.”

1Clinton presumably refers to his letter to GW of 15 January.

2For the new establishment of the Continental army, which, among other changes, reduced the New York brigade to two regiments, see General Orders, 1 November.

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