George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Major General Robert Howe, 15 January 1781

To Major General Robert Howe

Head Quarters New Windsor Janry 15th 1781

Dear Sir

I have just received your favor of this day,1 and am pleased with the good disposition of the Troops, which indeed is no more than I expected. By intelligence this Moment received from Genl Wayne, it is not probable the Detachment will March, tho I would still have it held in readiness.2 The Pennsylvanians, have arrived at Trenton, and Delivered up the Spies, who were to be executed on the 11th Inst. Every thing wore a favorable aspect for an accomodation. I am Dear Sir.

Df, in David Humphreys’s writing, DLC:GW; Varick transcript, DLC:GW. The receiver’s copy of this letter evidently was dated 16 Jan. and included notice of the forwarding of a letter, presumably addressed to Howe, from North Carolina (see Howe to GW, 17 Jan.).

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