George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Jonathan Trumbull, Sr., 13 January 1781

From Jonathan Trumbull, Sr.

Lebanon [Conn.] 13th Janry 1781


I have the Honor to acknowlege the Receipt of your Excellencys Favor of the 20th of Decemr inclosing the Return of the Connecticut Line of Soldiers engaged to serve during the War.1 I have also received that ⅌ Genl Knox—& with extream Regret I observe its Subject2—The Consideration of the last Letter will be taken up with much Attention—& I hope Measures will be adopted, to give full Satisfaction to the Connecticut Line of the Army & by that Means prevent so unhappy an Event as has been already experienced again takg Place or receiving any Extension in our Line.3

I now inclose a Resolution of Congress respectg the Garrison at Wioming4—I have not a Doubt but Your Excelleny is fully sensible of the Importance of that Post, not only for the Protection of the Inhabitants in its Vicinity but as a Barrier to the Frontier in General—and hope you will furnish a Garrison for the same as soon as you may deem convenient agreable to the Terms of the Resolution.5 I am with much Regard & Esteem Your Excellencys most Assured & Obedt Servant

Jonth; Trumbull


1See GW to Trumbull, 20 Dec. 1780, found at GW to Trumbull, 8 Dec., n.2.

2See Circular to the New England States, 5 Jan. 1781. For the mission of Brig. Gen. Henry Knox stemming from the mutiny of the Pennsylvania line, see GW to Knox, 7 January.

3The Connecticut council of safety declined to take action, and Trumbull called the legislature into session to act on the measures (see Trumbull to GW, 31 Jan. and 5 Feb.; see also Knox to GW, 7 Feb.).

4Two copies of the congressional resolution of 12 Dec. 1780 directing the relief of the garrison at Wyoming, Pa., and its replacement, if necessary, by troops not from Pennsylvania or Connecticut, are in DLC:GW. See also Samuel Huntington to GW, 16 Dec. 1780.

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