George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Major General Samuel Holden Parsons, 12 January 1781

From Major General Samuel Holden Parsons

Camp Highlands [N.Y.] 12th Jany 81

Dear General

The Instances of Firmaness in the Connectt Line exhibited amongst the Privates since I had the Honor of seeing you fully convinces me of the Justice of my Observation Yesterday on that Subject and I beleive the same Spirit pervades the whole of the Line.1

In two Instances Application was made this Morning for furloughs by Privates who had been three years absent the Men were informd that the Defection of the Pensylvania Line would probably require their Attendance to reduce them to their Duty; they answerd without Hesitation, they had rather never see Home than the Cause of the Country should suffer by such unjustifiable Conduct or that your Excellency should be in Danger from that or any other Misconduct; they went back with great Cheerfulness & said they would never apply again until they were brought back to their Duty—and in many Instances the Officers Servants have beg’d to be arm’d and permitted to go on this Duty—from these Circumstances & other Observations I am convinc’d the fullest Confidance may, in this Instance, be placd in the Connectt Troops. I am Dr General yr Obedt Servt

Saml H. Parsons

ALS, DLC:GW. A notation on the cover reads: “Private.” Parsons apparently sent this letter to Maj. Gen. William Heath for forwarding to GW (see Heath to GW, 13 Jan.).

1On 11 Jan., GW had met with the generals and colonels of the brigades stationed in the West Point area (see GW to Heath, 10 Jan.).

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