George Washington Papers

To George Washington from William Dobbs, 12 January 1781

From William Dobbs

Fish Kill [N.Y.]
12th January 1781

May it Please Your Excellency

The Bearer Capt. William Thompson a Citizen from New York having been brought up to the Sea and for many Years Sailed out of that Port, I take the Liberty to Recommend him as a Gentleman Well acquainted with Our Coast and the Channel. he is I am certain well Attached to the Cause and has been A prisoner in the City Close Confin’d for Seven Months—If Your Excellency can place him in any Business that may induce him to tarry as he has a family to Provide for he will not be under the Necessity of going to Sea which he must do for a livelyhood. I am Your Excellencys Most Obedt Servt

Willm Dobbs

LS, DLC:GW. GW’s aide-de-camp David Humphreys wrote “recommending a Pilot” on the docket. It has not been ascertained whether GW found a place for William Thompson.

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