From George Washington to the Board of War, 5 January 1781
To the Board of War
Head Quarters New Windsor 5th Jany 1781.
I do myself the honor to inclose you the Returns of Colo. Sheldons Regt of Cavalry agreeable to your letter of the 23d Novemr last and have the honor to be with great Respect Gentn Yr most obt Servt
You have also the Returns of Moylans.1
Df, in Tench Tilghman’s writing, DLC:GW; Varick transcript, DLC:GW.
1. The enclosed returns have not been identified, but the board wanted information on the strength, clothing, arms and equipment of the two cavalry regiments under GW’s “immediate command” to assist procurement efforts (see Board of War to GW, 23 Nov. 1780).