To George Washington from Theodorick Bland, 4 January 1781
From Theodorick Bland
Philadelphia Janry 4th 1781
Dr Sr
Your favor with a letter enclosed for Govr Jefferson came to hand yesterday about 10 o Clock.1 I immediately deliverd it to his Excelly the Presidt of Congress, with a request that it might be forwarded without loss of time by the line of expresses establishd between this Place and Richmond—which he promised shd be done, and I hope by this means Yr letter to the Govr will reach him with an expedition answerable to the importance of its Contents.
Mrs Bland and myself Join in the most cordial return of our best wishes for your Excellency and Mrs Washington,2 and be assured Sr that the interval which has elapsed since I last had the Honor of seeing you has not in the Smallest degree abated those warm Sentiments or the Sincere esteem and affection with which I ever Shall be Yr Excellency’s Most obedt & Humb. Sert
Theok Bland
ALS, PHi: Gratz Collection.
1. GW’s letter to Bland has not been found, but the enclosure probably was GW to Thomas Jefferson, 27 Dec. 1780, with intelligence on the sailing of troop transports from New York Harbor on 19 Dec. likely bound for the southern states (see GW to Jefferson, 9 Dec. 1780, n.9).
2. Bland’s wife was Martha Dangerfield (Daingerfield) Bland. She solicited GW’s assistance after her husband’s death in 1790 (see Bland to GW, 4 July 1790, in , 6:9–13).