From George Washington to Thomas Jefferson, 2 January 1781
To Thomas Jefferson
Head Quarters New Windsor Janry 2nd 1781
Dear Sir
Since I had last the honor of addressing Your Excellency,1 the Embarkation which had been some time preparing, and which had undergone several changes;2 has sailed from New York. The Fleet, including the Convoys consisted of thirty two Sail, and left the Hook the 22nd Ulto.
By the best information I have been able to obtain, the Light Infantry & Grenadiers, with some other Troops, which were at first under embarking Orders, were afterwards countermanded; and the Detachment finally amounted to about 1600 Men, of Which Simcoe’s is the only entire Corps, that we know with certainty has embarked, the remainder is said to be principally composed of Drafts from the Line—The whole under the command of Arnold, and still conjectured to be destined to the Southward.3 I have the honor to be With sentiments of esteem Your Excellency’s Most Obed. Servt
Go: Washington
LS, in David Humphreys’s writing, in private hands; Df, DLC:GW; Varick transcript. A Sotheby’s catalog advertising the LS (lot no. 1037) as part of a 20 May 2011 auction stated that GW had signed the cover of the document.
1. See GW to Jefferson, 28 Dec. 1780; see also GW to Jefferson, 27 Dec. 1780, found at GW to Jefferson, 9 Dec., n.9.
2. On the draft, which is in the writing of Humphreys, the previous six words are in GW’s writing.
3. For this intelligence, see GW to Nathanael Greene, this date, n.2.